Copywriting Major: Analysis of Advertisement

Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb

Ponds Flawless White: Love Conquers All.

Introduction of Product

Pond's is a Famous Brand of Cosmetics. Here is some opinion of a woman that already used this product.

Ponds Flawless White

Ponds Flawless White is one of the great products i know. After a few days you can see the results of this product. You can get this in your local drug store. (Asia) Ponds Flawless White lightening day Cream
This was the first product i bought from ponds. Because i had trouble with my pimple scars and uneven skin tone.So i saw this cream in my local store and bought it.

It has this creamy texture which is very nice when you use it. It has 18 SPF to protect you under the sun.
and it also gives you this pinkish glow when you go out for the day. I would rate this product.
4 over 5

this is my review on

send me a comment :)


Then, here's the Advertisement:

 The Analysis

 In my opinion about Ponds Flawless White: Love conquers All's Advertisement. The Product doesn't match the Advertisement at all. In other word, it is ambiguous. Although the soap opera is good enough. It doesn't have any related things with the product, except the fact that the girl used the product. The product doesn't effect the whole story. The soap opera is not bad, but the Ad is. That's what I have on my mind.

Wasalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.


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