Copywriting: Analysis of Thai Life Insurance

Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

Hi, Monica's here.
How are you today? I wish you all fine. It's a little cloudy, isn't it? 

By the way, have you ever wacthed a Thai Life Insurance Commercial Ad about a girl who has a deaf-mute  father. If you haven't, then you can watch it below.

The first scene in this Ad showed that the girl wishing as if her father wasn't a deaf-mute. She wanted a normal father who can listen to her hope and fear, and who can speak. The girl is being bullied by her shcoolmates. She was desperated. One day, she came home late at night with a guy. Her father was very mad. (I have no idea how she suddenly became friends with that guy, and what's the point for this ad. But, let's continue the story first). Her father blamed her without any voice, because he was deaf-mute. She cried. The next day was her birthday, her father was very happy. He had prepared a birthday cake, and a message for his little girl. Then he waited until his daughter came out of her room. And surprised her. But, that moment never happened. When he checked his daughter room by himslef, he shocked. The next scene, showed the father cried begging for his daughter life. Then, he gave his blood for his daughter. When the daughter realized, her father already closed his eyes (I don't know whether he dead or not).

The daughter started crying. Next scene, was a flashback. In summary, the father wanted to told her daughter that he loved her daughter with all his hearts. (I cried a lot at that part). "There are no perfect fathers. But a father will always love perfectly" is the part I liked the most. When I already being affected. "Remember to care for those who care for you." suddenly...

"Thai-life insurance..."

Make nonsense!!
I knew, I had already knew. That it was just an ad. But, don't you the story is too long? Beside the scene that shows their product is too short, isn't it? Is that included one of the types of Advertisement our lecture ever gave? I like the story a lot, and how they deliver the story.

In conclusion, I think this ad is pretty good. It has connection between the ad and story. Eventhough, just a little.


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